Bitcoin Solo Mining Pool Umbrel App

Hey Guys -

Sooooo, I believe the ethos of Bitcoiners leads us to believe in decentralization as a first principle of Bitcoin. Umbrel is a tool for Bitcoiners to contribute in many ways to that principle - and as such, I’d like to work with a few people on setting up an Umbrel app to create a solo mining pool that each Umbrel node runner could run and point solo hash at to help in this endeavor. It’d make use of the already-created Bitcoin node app, so most people could just install the Pool app and point their NerdMiner or Apollo, or what have you, at your own pool and watch the hashing fun.

I’m a veteran sysadmin by trade, and can either help with the systems development or fund the development of such a package. If anyone here has a contribution that they can make to this effort, I’d like to hear from you either via DM or as a response to this post.


Wow, I very much like your idea. Mining centralization should be addressed everytime.


always been curious about this myself too.

I believe the best software to port to Umbrel would be ckpool or cgminer (i believe most bitaxe ppl use cgminer)

both of these seem to have maintained docker images, so maybe it wouldn’t be too hard?

this is the two frameworks for adding an app to umbrel:
Adding apps to the main appstore- GitHub - getumbrel/umbrel-apps: The official app repository of the Umbrel App Store. Submit apps and updates here. Learn how →
Community app-store framework- GitHub - getumbrel/umbrel-community-app-store: Template repository for a creating your own Community App Store for Umbrel. Click "Use this template" and add your apps!

im too busy for the next couple weeks, but id also love to get a nerdminer/bitaxe and then try port this to Umbrel


Cool idea, well, why we don’t have it yet …

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I chatted with Dr. Con Colivas last night to see if he was interested in helping make it happen - he said he wasn’t doing much coding these days and knew nothing about docker and didn’t seem very interested. That said, he’s done a lot of the hard work by git-ting ckpool software. He encouraged me and us by extension to work with that and see if we could make it happen. I have plans to set up some test VMs and do a straight forward install of it to become familiar with how it works, then teach myself docker containerization, then umbrel packaging.

If any of you all have experience in any of these three phases, I encourage you to get in touch with me to develop a project to get this done and unleash it on the pleb miners. I think it’ll be a very popular package if we can get it done.

I won’t have time to start this until the end of October, though, regardless.


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I am just a pleb running an Umbrel node. I want to learn through hand-on work on Bitcoin mining area.
How can I participate?
I have very basic background on IT infrastructure and software coding.


Hre’s my starting point for those interested in getting this project off the ground:

CKPOOL BitBucket src

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FYI this is a great resource for setting up ckpool in a docker container GitHub - golden-guy/docker-ckpool: Build your own ckpool docker image and solo mine on your bitcoind.
We then just need to publish a multi-arch compatible image I believe before making an app/community app store

2 Likes is an opwn source solo mining pool I use with bitaxe.


Any News?

This is my current favorite but the official website is down. Mining still works but no way to check so having it running locally on umbrel would be better for stability, décentralisation, and reduce lag when submitting completed work back to the pool.

cool idea, look at public pool right now more than 15K ESP32 device try solo miner. its fun and will be great.

working on porting this to umbrel if anyone wants to give me a hand

im a noob with docker so here’s my horrendous hacking so far umbrel-apps/public-pool at add-public-pool · smolgrrr/umbrel-apps · GitHub


We’re almost there lads :saluting_face:


Greetings fellas. I have been following this thread and definitely a newbie to umbrel. I have had a Bitcoin core node up in the past but replaced with a Umbrel full BTC node. I am not new to programming so will follow along and test the code out as I learn.

it’s actually already out :slight_smile: Public Pool | Umbrel App Store


Yes, it’s awesome guys, thank you. I installed it yesterday off Umbrel apps and it’s working great so far.

Yes just found it and was easy to install . Thanks.

Where can I find my BTC address in Umbrel.

Netswirl, It’s the Bitcoin Wallet address you use on your miners when you point them to your solo pool. You provide what address you want your payment to go to if you hit a block. Unless you want my bitcoin address, I’d be happy to accept your block found. hahahahahaha.


@bthompso2001 Cool thanks I will set that up. Oh and my demo miner is so old and slow it may withdraw BTC from your wallet address. lol

This is a self defined research project and I am having way too much fun learning Umbrel and mining.

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