Updating to 0.4.6 and Umbrel has hung on “Removing old containers” for 8 hours. Went Telegram group for help. Someone posted (I assumed was replying to me):
scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel:umbrel#0.4.6
These didn’t work, so I found where the scripts directory was and modified the cmds to:
sudo ./scripts/stop
which appeared to work by stopping containers until this
Stopping Docker services…
Removing network umbrel_main_network
ERROR: error while removing network: network umbrel_main_network id c9e7304f15e068caaa9415d2732d1a9859059111308aa5d1a49d281648a49fdf has active endpoints
Next I ran this
sudo scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel:umbrel#0.4.6
Which gave me this:
Cloning into ‘/tmp/umbrel-update’…
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository ‘https://github.com/getumbrel:umbrel.git/’ not found
fatal: not a git repository: ‘/tmp/umbrel-update//.git’
mv: cannot stat ‘/tmp/umbrel-update//info.json’: No such file or directory
jq: error: Could not open file /tmp/umbrel-update//info.json.orig: No such file or directory
Update path doesn’t seem to be an Umbrel install.
Now its broken
Any tips on where to go from here… ??
(Raspberry PI 8Gb, Ethernet, Samsung T5 SSD)
Still looking into it, and tried this for a manual update
cd ~/umbrel && sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.6
and then a
sudo reboot
looks like it worked.
I’ll leave this here for reference