SSH - Permission denied, please try again

Hi all,

Noob to Umbrel here.
I have been trying to SSH into my Raspberry Pi 4 model B with Umbrel v.0.4.16 to no avail.
I have tried:

ssh myusername@myipaddress
Password: mypassword

ssh myusername@myipaddress
Password: moneyprintergobrrr (typed out,not cut and pasted)

I get the error: SSH - Permission denied, please try again.

I have a VPN client with my subnet whitelisted which I also have tried it on and off (although this should not affect anything)

I am running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Thanks for any input :slight_smile:

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I just saw a post that stated “for RPi users the user is umbrel and your regular password to enter into your Umbrel dashboard”

I worked just fine!

Cheers Umbrel Community!

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