I’m just waiting for an Bitaxe Gamma to arrive and I want to set it up as a solo miner. I don’t want to join a pool - I know the chance of finding a block is very, very small but I want to add to the decentralisation away from the pools.
Has anyone used DATAM to solo mine? Any advice or tips?
download knots or core and then public pool on the umbrel. it will auto magically say your nodes ip on public pools stratum address’
IF public pool is working" on your umbrel you are mining from your node…it wont let you download the pool unless you have a blockchain at LEAST downloading…IF you go to public pool. io on your browser and you will using their pool… I have not tried on main net. ive tried to get it to work on testnet… you can figure out datum as your mining with Pubpool. you do have to dig a little and add your address in the json file ( nano datum_gateway_config.json ) that will get you there if you have it… watch mechanics datum video
Thanks for your response. From what I’ve seen on the Umbrel App Store I thought I just needed to download the DATUM app (I already have Knots) and then enter the Umbrel IP address in the Stratum URL field in the Bitaxe OS and the DATUM port number in the Stratum Port field.
Enable incoming connections on your Bitcoin Knots and make sure you have opened port 8333 to your bitcoin node from outside your LAN (you can check it via https://bitnodes.io)
Install DATUM gateway
SSH to your umbrel and edit file ~/umbrel/app-data/datum/data/settings/datum_gateway_config.json to enable solo mining (enter your pool_address, some text for coinbase_tag_primary and coinbase_tag_secondary, empty string for pool_host and pooled_mining_only to false
Open AxeOS settings and enter IP adress of your umbrel node and port 23334
Do you know how I would SSH to my Umbrel from my Linux Mint machine - I’ve never done that.
I’ve logged into the Umbrel via the web url, opened the terminal & moved to the right directory but can’t edit the file. Do you know the command I need to use?
oh yea you need SSH first. to go into settings and use the advanced / and got to the umbrel terminal and ssh umbrel@yourIP and then your password will be asked and then it asks y/n will a bunch if info… “type in yes” and your in
yea, WHAT HE SAID… lol… glad this caught your attention! thanks for the help trying to help.
I had a friend who is a dev build a few pools for me. ive tried and tried and knowing how fast and easy they could do it… just MADE me try more and more… from scratch ive never built a pool.
I am trying to change some settings in my config and I have ckpool running on Umbrel OS. I have a t3 and t4 pool both on umbrel and both using ckpool as the ?? I have tried to dig in using what I learned on this video and "find"the conf or config or ? file to change max tx ,blockpoll,and update interval. any tips that might help finding that? thank you sir.