Slow validating/syncing blockchain after updating to 0.4.13

Hi All,

I updated to the latest version today 0.4.13. Since the update, the syncing of the blockchain has slowed even though it says it’s 100% synchronised. Blocks are taking far too long to validate, roughly 5,10 or 20min. Prior to the update, the blockchain was validating every minute sometimes less.

Looking at MEMPOOL the graphical blocks are also taking a long time to move from incoming transactions to transacted (left to right)

Is anyone experiencing the same since updating to the latest version?

Other than disconnecting the SSD is there a way to manually re-synchronise the blockchain i.e. App/Pugin?


It might just be a networking issuing, have you tried rebooting yet? I wouldn’t mess with the SSD unless you’re seeing actually errors pop up in the logs.

I have rebooted a few times but still the validating/syncing is slow…unless it’s just the UI? Can you tell how long it takes for your node to validate please?
