Seed phrase does not recover all on chain funds

Let’s see…

You say:

Previous to posting, I tried flashing a new SD card and using it to restart the node. I used the same software version on a new SD card.
The SD card from the crash is still available.

Just to be clear. This means it didn’t work properly. Is that so?
What version of umbrel did you have installed?

I just tried looking at the drive in disk utility on a Macbook. It shows it to be one unreadable partition of unknown format consuming the entire 1TB. Not sure where to go from there.

Is your SD 1TB?. According to what you said, you were using a 1TB SD and a 2TB SSD?

I can SSH into the crashed node.

Are you doing this with the original SD or the new one?

I’m asking all this because I’m trying to clarify your situation as much as possible. There are things that don’t add up.

On the other hand, “viewing” the file structure via SSH is not necessarily going to tell us if your installation has been corrupted.

As for Blue Wallet, there are a lot of users on the forum in the same situation. Check out some examples:

I can’t help you much there because what I’m trying to do is get you back to having “normal” access to your umbrel. If we can do that, you’ll have a better chance of solving problems.

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