Reboot and select a proper Boot device

I was able to work this around by installing rEFInd

For those encountering difficulties booting Umbrel, here are two alternative solutions based on different scenarios:

Option A: If you can connect your drive externally and boot from there, follow these steps:

  1. Boot your computer from the external drive.
  2. Inside Umbrel, navigate to Settings → Advanced Settings → Terminal.
  3. Type the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt install refind

Option B: If you can’t boot the device even using an external drive reader, follow these steps:

  1. Watch this video guide to learn how to install Ubuntu or Windows onto the drive: Install Ubuntu/Windows Video Guide.
  2. Create a partition to install Umbrel.
  3. You’ll be able to switch between operating systems using rEFInd.

Fastest auto boot
In my specific case, I only have one bootable OS, which is Umbrel. Therefore, I want it to boot as fast as possible without needing to select the OS. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Open your Umbrel terminal as shown before.
  2. Enter the command:
cd /boot/efi/EFI/refind/
sudo nano refind.conf
  1. Change the default timeout from 20 to 1 in the file.
  2. Save the file (Ctrl+X).
  3. Now, your device will automatically select the OS in 1 second.

This adjustment should streamline the boot process for your Umbrel device.