Question about public pool and tor

So my Umbrel bitcoin node runs on Tor

I just picked up a BitAxe for fun, trying to do some solo mining.

My question is: if my node is on tor, and I hit the jackpot and find a block… will it propagate to the network fast enough to be accepted or is the latency with tor so high that even if I find a block, someone else will find it and propagate it before my node does?

Alternative question: am I just betraying a total lack of understanding of how blocks are propagated once a miner finds one?

You need to Turn on your Tor before anything Because if you don’t turn it on Not in that you are Boo.
With the walk

Wait, what?

Why tor?
My node and my miner are in the same network. So as a mining pool I set it to the local IP address. No Tor needed.

Yes, my node and miner are on the same network too, but my question was about how your node connects to the rest of the Bitcoin network. If all of your peers are on tor then I imagine the latency involved in broadcasting a new block would work against your chances of having the block accepted.

For now, after looking into the privacy concerns of doing so, I just enabled clearnet connections for my node. The TL;DR I came away with was that the main thing it reveals to your ISP is that you have a Bitcoin node, not who you’re transacting with (as is the concern when exposing your Lightning node to clearnet without other precautions).