Portainer is unauthorized

Hi team,

after a restart of the UmbrelOS 1.1.1 i get this message at opening portainer.
But i can login.

When i try to open the container section: environment is unreachable
What can i do? :frowning:


Using sudo docker ps -a i also cant find the containers created in portainer…

In portainer the environment is shown as down.
Docker ps show docker:24.0.5-dind restarting all the time.
Could that be the problem?

In the logs:

failed to start daemon, ensure docker is not running or delete /data/docker.pid: process with PID 30 is still running

This file does not exist.

Hope it helps somebody.

sudo mv umbrel/app-data/portainer/data/docker/docker.pid umbrel/app-data/portainer/data/docker/docker.pidold

Did it…


Dude, thank you so much!!! It fixed it instantly!

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Did you manage to fix it permanently? It happened to me again.

The issue comes back after a restart of umbrel.
Seems to be a Bug.

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It worked for me! Thanks. I hope it doesn’t happen again.

I was getting "Failed loading environment Environment is unreachable. " after login portainer, thanks for the quick fix, not even a reboot was required :wink:

This no longer works, anyone have any ideas?