Pi-Hole link from main screen not working / changing password procedure

Hi, after upgrading to v0.5.0 and installing Pi-Hole I noticed that the default link to umbrel:8082 shows an error page “Website blocked”.
Using the url umbrel:8082/admin/ works. I guess that needs to be fixed.

And is there an recommended way to change the default password on Pi-Hole? I could not find any option in the webinterface and ssh into the raspi and running pihole -a -p returned a “command not found”. Any ideas?

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I haven’t even managed to get it installed on my Umbrel which started on 0.5. I may try to install via terminal outside of Umbrel and see how that goes. It seems like running pi-hole within umbrel might be pretty limited if it’s not very configurable. Personally, hoping to have this machine set up as a fall-back pihole with unbound DNS also configured

I could install Pi-Hole with Umbrel 0.5, but when I login and try to change anything this error messag is shown:

PHP error (2): fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/FTL.php:43

Looks to me like a security issue (no write permision?) or should it be port 443 instead of 43 (wrong port?).

Not sure, but it is useless for me, when I cannot change the configuration of Pi-Hole…

Any hints how to proceed from here?