Node Shuts Off after 1-4 hours

What is the optimal temp for Umbrel Node ?

You should be good with your temp. Mine goes anywhere from the mid 40’s C to low 50’s C and it’s never been an issue. I only have an aluminum case, no fan.

Yeah…I’m at 36-37 C when fully sync so it is not the overheating issue…migh be the power thing. Will get Batter UPS.

Mine is currently at 58c and running fine with no fan. It’s also not in any case.

I have a very similar problem to " diamond-hands-mcgee"
Is this also the case when I still can access via SSH?
I mean if node freezes and stays in loading screen after a few hours, but I can still connect via SSH and shutdown or whatever.

If you can access the Raspi via SSH if/when Umbrel is frozen you can safely reboot using something like
sudo poweroff. There may be better commands to just restart Umbrel rather than rebooting the Pi but I don’t know them off the top of my head.
Umbrel has fixed the bug where the SD card would randomly corrupt but the issue of powering down via hardware or power failure still presents itself.

Harware failure means the SD card I guess?
Or can the SSD or raspy also cause such a problem.
Thanks for the fast answer :slight_smile:

Harware failure means the SD card I guess?
Or can the SSD or raspy also cause such a problem.
Thanks for the fast answer

Hardware failure meaning you lose power to your house. The Raspi or SD card can fail as well but it’s more likely you’ll loose power than these failing (Note: SD card fails way more frequently than a Pi would).

Thanks so far, odes this means I need a battery or something?
One suspicion is that somehow my static ip doesnt work…
I set the ip in the router outside of the dhcp range and also via ssh in umbrell, but a “arp -a” network scan still shows the local ip of the rapi as dynamic.
At the moment the disconnects occur after 6-8h and i dont think my home gets power outtakes so frequently and in such sonsistend intervalls.

No, if you loose power it will corrupt the card, you re-flash it and it works normally. Nothing lost, no downloading the blockchain again. If if does not corrupt then you use it as normal.

The Pi shouldn’t matter what its set for. The router is the one issuing the local IP address. If the router is set to static then it won’t change. I don’t know for sure but if the Pi is set for static then it won’t look for a changed IP, where as if its set to dynamic then it will check for new issue.
Incremental power issues may be a under powered SSD. The logs should be able to tell you if this is the issue.

As far as i can understand, there shouldn’t be an issue.

umbrel-1634749983335-debug.log (23.6 KB)

I have an SSD with additional external power supply.