New user - are there any intro videos?

Just checked in for a status update. About an hour and a half has gone by since trying to open my first channel.
The lightning channel still appears to be on the “Opening” phase.

Second guessing myself, is it possible I entered something invalid?

Nah, your good. Click on the transaction in your Umbrel wallet. It will show you estimated block. It’s been getting pushed back as new higher fee transactions are submitted. It will confirm eventually.

Looks like I’ll open your channel at some point tomorrow. Currently ran out of time waiting for wallet to fund.

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Checkin in. Just got home from work. 7:00pm (4.5 hrs later) it still says opening.

I clicked on the transaction in the umbrel wallet like you suggested, and still says unconfirmed (which I guess is a good thing rather then an error message)

Going to stop driving myself crazy by looking every 20 mins and just check on it tomorrow. Thanks once again for all of your help, can’t say it enough… have a great night!

Looks like it went through! :grinning: :open_umbrella: :cloud_with_lightning:

Looking good, seems it has already moved 1/4 mil sats too.
I just opened a channel back to you, should confirm in the next 10 min as mempool is pretty empty.