the setting for virtual disk is 945 GB i think partition wise is ok, altought it would not open umbrel i guess…but yes there is an option for USB devices thats unchecked for the external disk but i don’t know how to make it work.
I definitely think this is a challenge of running as a virtual machine on your local machine, I haven’t used fusion before but a lot times when running a vm on a local machine the storage files system size will be treated as a max file size and it won’t actually make that capacity visible right away. I would look for advanced options under the partition and see if there is a way to set the partition Type to something like “dedicated”. Screenshots of your options could help
!correction! I’ve plugged the external SSD, set the ubuntu-lv to 900Gb and Umbrel recognizes the storage of 1 TB but as soon as I started the node sync i spotted that was writing on Mac hard drive what should I do?
So im drawing from last experience with Vmware here, but, from what I remember you had to create a ‘Datastore’ on the drive then select that datastore when creating the vm to make that its root drive, i suspect what has happened is you have attached the external to the vm as a USB device vs made the VMs root drive live on the external.
this topic over on the vmware forums seems relevant
but if you can only help on this sentence : “Basically you delete the VM (choose keep) from the VM library, then move (or copy) the VM to your external disk and register it again (File -> Open)”
Not sure what means delete the VM and then move ( how do I move if I delete it? )