Import CLN node into RaspberryPi currently running a LND node

Hey there,

Currently running a common Raspberry Pi 8GB with:

  • M09 SATA Expansion Board
  • 1TB SSD
  • Custom Machined HeatSink
  • 16 GB Micro SD Card for UmbrelOS (latest stable version)

When trying to install CLN I notice that it automatically create a new node, it’s NOT what. I’d like to import another existing node into the same hardware as I noticed that Umbrel allows to run two nodes at the same time. The above mentioned hardware it’s currently hosting a LND node only with few other Bitcoin and LND related applications.

What are the risks on doing it?

Does anyone know how I could successfully complete the import?


So just to confirm you are running a CLN node outside of Umbrel, and you would like to import that into Umbrel?

Hey @smolgrrr thanks for your response. yes correct! I ca’t see ay option to do so, and wondering if there’s a bit more technical workaround to do so

Also forgot to mention that the CLN node that I’d like to import is runnig on a Start9 instance