How to turn off Bluetooth and Wifi on Rasberry Pi4

My Rasberry Pi4 is trying to connect via Bluetooth to my laptop and other devices in our house.
Does this pose a security risk? I’d like to disable it.
Also, I typed the following command into Terminal sudo nano /boot/config.tx The next prompt is Password:
Is it asking for my Umbrel password or a Rasberry Pi password, which I don’t recall creating? Is it safe to enter a password on the Terminal?

My research found this command to enter disable - bt. Is that correct?

Thank you for your help.

Old guy learning new skills

  • Option a)

Power off your Umbrel under Settings > Shutdown, and remove the SD card.

Then, put the SD card into your computer, you should see it show up in your file manager with the name boot.

Open a file named config.txt, where you must add these lines at the end:

# Disable WiFi
# Disable Bluetooth

Save changes and put the SD back in the Raspberry Pi.

Finally, turn on the Raspberry Pi.


  • Option b)

Open config.txt to edit via SSH:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Enter this lines:

# Disable WiFi
# Disable Bluetooth

Save the file:

Ctrl+X, Y, return

Restart your Raspberry Pi:

sudo reboot


This is with Umbrel installed? :open_mouth:

The same password you use to log in to the Umbrel dashboard. If you haven’t yet run through the setup process, the password will be set to moneyprintergobrrr.

Yes, if you trust your local network.


Good point! Changed!

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Thank you ibertario and aarondewes.

I believe my challenge is accessing the Raspberry Pi via my MacBook Pro’s Terminal via SSH. This led me to the SSH thread in this community.

It appears that ibertario’s (option-a) might be the easiest for me. Do I still need to reboot Umbrel and the Pi after making changes and reinstalling the SD card?

Yes, as at the beginning of option a) you turned off your Umbrel, then you will have to turn it on again once you put the SD back in.

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@MarkP please click :ballot_box_with_check: Solution in my first reply if it helped you!