How to get btc pay to work on tor on my website

Hello could someone help. I’m trying to get btc pay to work on my website? I know it’s on tor and needs to use a tor browser but do I need to do any dns changes on my google domain? Do I need to port forward on my router for tor? im trying to get the btc pay button to work. What is the best tor browser to use? Most look like scam ware on apple and android App Store. I’m new to this and need directions if you can help. My wife is sick and my time is limited with having to take care of kids but I will tip anybody that will help

I activated TailScale and setup the Magic DNS. It will provide you a web address like like

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I think you can link that FQDN to your own sub-domain (like your shop domain) if you want and not reveal to the whole world that you are using tailscale.
I didn’t test it yet, but I think is possible with a CNAME in your DNS.

Anyway, I am still waiting for Umbrel devs (@mayank @lukechilds) to add a nice feature where user can just switch a button for a specific Umbrel app between Tor/clearnet


Thanks for your reply. ok. I just did this with the new update. What did you set the store website on the btc pay app. Let’s say my store is

Do I put btcpay (dot) hats (dot) net? Now on my google dns I made a cname that has the tailscale address going to

I don’t think I’m doing it right. I still can’t get the btcpay button to work with tor browser. Button place shows up but no image.

Also should I have ports forwarded on my umbrel?

Thanks for your reply. ok. I just did this with the new update. What did you set the store website on the btc pay app. Let’s say my store is Do I put https:\ btcpay (dot) hats (dot) net? Now on my google dns I made a cname that has the tailscale address going to

I don’t think I’m doing it right. I still can’t get the btcpay button to work with tor browser. Button place shows up but no image.

Also should I have ports forwarded on my umbrel

Hi do you know if that has been done? I am trying to run the BTCPay server via Tailscale but it wont let me log in because of it.