Hello, I am trying to connect shopify to my BTCPayServer in Umbrel but I’m running into some issues.
I followed the BTCPayServer guide and it seems to connect just fine except when I go to checkout with the BTCPay option the order gets confirmed without showing me a QR code to pay the invoice.
Has anyone been able to connect their btcpayserver node to shopify or another eCommerce platform?
I figured I was going to have to point shopify to the IP address of my umbrel node(with port forwarding) but I don’t know what port should be used.
There’s a Shopify plugin for BTCpay server, use that to connect to your node, using the onion address.
But remember, you usual visitors, will use yhour clearnet address and the payment will be redirected to an onion address and if they do not use Tor browser, it will get an error.