How to connect and configure Umbrel to an UPS

I need advice with an Eaton UPS. I followed this guide to install and connect the UPS:

I could successfully install the package Network UPS Tools (NUT) by running
sudo apt-get install nut
I could also update the config files according to the guide.
But when I try to start the driver using
sudo upsdrvctl start
it throws an error:
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (2.7.4)
USB communication driver 0.33
No matching HID UPS found
Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

Neither reboot nor shutdown helps to fix the problem.
It seems like there is no connection between my node and the Eaton UPS.
Does Umbrel block the communication via USB for certain devices?
Could someone please explain. Thanks.

You might wanna do a dmesg command and grep the output for usb related stuff…you might find that the device name isn’t what your tools are expecting the device to look like ??
I duno…grasping
I got lucky lately with a USB serial adapter under minicom by looking at the dmesg output
Good luck eh =)

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Eine gute Beschreibung und die (grundsätzliche) Lösung habe ich hier gefunden:

Nachdem ich das so eingerichtet hatte, hatte ich allerding hatte ich das Problem, dass meine Umbrel Node sehr instabil wurde, genau wie in der Mount Datei beschrieben:

  • 66 # By default Linux uses the UAS driver for most devices. This causes major
  • 67 # stability problems on the Raspberry Pi, not due to issues with UAS, but due
  • 68 # to devices running in UAS mode using much more power. The Pi can’t reliably
  • 69 # provide enough power to the USB port and the entire system experiences
  • 70 # extreme instability . By blacklisting all devices from the UAS driver on boot
  • 71 # we fall back to the mass-storage driver, which results in decreased
  • 72 # performance, but lower power usage, and much better system stability.

Ich musste die Änderung wieder rückgängig machen, mein SSD Gehäuse (Adata ED600) gehört offenbar zu den nicht kompatiblen SATA Adaptern.
Wenn ich die USV vernünftig einsetzen will, brauche ich ein neues SSD Gehäuse. Ich habe hier einen Blogbeitrag gefunden, der kompatible SATA Adapter auflistet:
Raspberry Pi 4 USB Boot Config Guide for SSD / Flash Drives und die ganze Problematik ausfĂĽhrlich beschreibt.
Hoffe, das hilft jemandem weiter.