[GUIDE] Connect Umbrel to your wallet

Hi so I think I got this to work, but with some costs.
I followed Sparrow’s documentation (Connect to Bitcoin Core - Sparrow Wallet) to set up a remote node running bitcoin core that it can connect to.
Prior to doing this I got lots of “Connection refused”

By changing the part of the bitcoin.conf file where they do rpcbind=, I did the ip that my umbrel server runs on. But I kept the ones because I think it means the ip of my device I am running sparrow on.

Either way, after adding the


It worked! I restarted my umbrel and then I could connect sparrow to my bitcoin core node.

But the cost comes with braver browser users. The shields for brave browser broke after I made this change. Unsure why but I submitted an issue to sparrow here to learn more Connect remote bitcoin node - umbrel breaks Brave Browser shields · Issue #1217 · sparrowwallet/sparrow · GitHub

I hope this helps you out

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