Electrs fails to sync (with error log)

RaspPi BTC node that has been synced for several months. I have never gotten Electrs v0.9.14 to connect, still Waiting for Bitcoin Node to finish Syncing.

I connected to my umbrel
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
and ran
~/umbrel/scripts/app compose electrs logs --tail 250

Any help would be appreciated.

umbrel@umbrel:~ $ ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose electrs logs --tail 250

The entire error is >10x the character limit here, so is trimmed as best I can tell

electrs_1 | Error: electrs failed
electrs_1 |
electrs_1 | Caused by:
electrs_1 | 0: sync failed
electrs_1 | 1: failed to get block 0000000000000233a5d1b66b716e53e8b774bf689c9a8a59c174abb84f268b7b
electrs_1 | 2: receiving on an empty and disconnected channel
electrs_1 | Starting electrs 0.9.14 on aarch64 linux with Config { network: Bitcoin, db_path: “/data/db/bitcoin”, daemon_dir: “/data/.bitcoin”, daemon_auth: CookieFile(“/data/.bitcoin/.cookie”), daemon_rpc_addr:, daemon_p2p_addr:, electrum_rpc_addr:, monitoring_addr:, wait_duration: 10s, jsonrpc_timeout: 15s, index_batch_size: 10, index_lookup_limit: None, reindex_last_blocks: 0, auto_reindex: true, ignore_mempool: false, sync_once: false, skip_block_download_wait: false, disable_electrum_rpc: false, server_banner: “Umbrel Electrs (0.9.14)”, signet_magic: f9beb4d9, args: }
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:30.413Z INFO electrs::metrics::metrics_impl] serving Prometheus metrics on
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:30.413Z INFO electrs::server] serving Electrum RPC on
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:30.955Z INFO electrs::db] “/data/db/bitcoin”: 12186 SST files, 0.195442477 GB, 0.013350732 Grows
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:31.890Z INFO electrs::chain] loading 172280 headers, tip=0000000000000043fbc211a98ecac9305cce590f70b3a864076f18d6c48f7fc6
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:32.987Z INFO electrs::chain] chain updated: tip=0000000000000043fbc211a98ecac9305cce590f70b3a864076f18d6c48f7fc6, height=172280
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:33.085Z INFO electrs::index] indexing 2000 blocks: [172281…174280]
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 10656982 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2093891 (consensus network-status fetch); 96543 (authority cert fetch); 9607383 (microdescriptor fetch)
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:33.093Z INFO electrs::db] closing DB at /data/db/bitcoin
tor_1 | Nov 02 03:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 09:57:52.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7932 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [2 similar message(s) suppressed in last 3660 seconds]
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:33.094Z WARN electrs::thread] p2p_recv thread failed: sending on a disconnected channel
tor_1 | Nov 02 04:34:43.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 6071 (a Hidden service: Establishing introduction point 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 9900 seconds]
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 12:00:17.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8029 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [4 similar message(s) suppressed in last 7380 seconds]
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 13:39:29.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8060 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [3 similar message(s) suppressed in last 6000 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 02 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 6 days 12:00 hours, with 10 circuits open. I’ve sent 87.38 MB and received 99.50 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 41 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 15:05:56.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8134 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [8 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5220 seconds]
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 8 days 18:00 hours, with 10 circuits open. I’ve sent 119.65 MB and received 125.05 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 126 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 02 09:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 10656982 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2160615 (consensus network-status fetch); 96543 (authority cert fetch); 9686095 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 02 09:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1652069 (consensus network-status fetch); 59331 (authority cert fetch); 6249597 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 17:19:50.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8229 (a Hidden service: Establishing introduction point 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [2 similar message(s) suppressed in last 8040 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 02 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_server_1 | Nov 04 17:45:56.000 [notice] Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 1000 buildtimes.
tor_1 | Nov 02 12:08:49.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 6319 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 27300 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 02 13:45:01.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 6414 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [4 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5820 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 02 15:27:54.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 6462 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway.
tor_1 | Nov 02 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 6 days 18:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I’ve sent 90.66 MB and received 102.37 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 45 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 02 15:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 02 15:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1709707 (consensus network-status fetch); 59331 (authority cert fetch); 6382502 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 02 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 02 21:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 7 days 0:00 hours, with 17 circuits open. I’ve sent 94.39 MB and received 105.56 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 49 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 02 21:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 02 21:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1766202 (consensus network-status fetch); 59331 (authority cert fetch); 6477988 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 02 21:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 02 22:43:50.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 6766 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway.
tor_1 | Nov 03 03:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 7 days 6:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I’ve sent 97.44 MB and received 108.69 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 52 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 03 03:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 03:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1824354 (consensus network-status fetch); 59331 (authority cert fetch); 7053465 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 03:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 03 04:42:48.000 [notice] Our directory information is no longer up-to-date enough to build circuits: We’re missing descriptors for 1/3 of our primary entry guards (total microdescriptors: 8523/8551). That’s ok. We will try to fetch missing descriptors soon.
tor_1 | Nov 03 04:42:48.000 [notice] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We’re missing descriptors for 1/3 of our primary entry guards (total microdescriptors: 8523/8551). That’s ok. We will try to fetch missing descriptors soon.
tor_1 | Nov 03 04:42:49.000 [notice] We now have enough directory information to build circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 03 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 7 days 12:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I’ve sent 100.57 MB and received 111.52 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 54 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 03 09:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 09:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1878315 (consensus network-status fetch); 59331 (authority cert fetch); 7133802 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 03 15:01:51.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7273 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 58680 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 03 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 7 days 18:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I’ve sent 103.88 MB and received 115.30 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 61 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 03 15:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 15:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 1940594 (consensus network-status fetch); 61106 (authority cert fetch); 7869042 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 03 16:13:51.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7324 (a Hidden service: Establishing introduction point 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway.
tor_1 | Nov 03 17:17:03.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7391 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [3 similar message(s) suppressed in last 3840 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 03 20:39:56.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7525 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [2 similar message(s) suppressed in last 12180 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 03 21:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 8 days 0:00 hours, with 9 circuits open. I’ve sent 107.05 MB and received 118.30 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 65 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 03 21:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 21:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2008302 (consensus network-status fetch); 61106 (authority cert fetch); 7973050 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 03 21:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 03 22:44:55.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7572 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [5 similar message(s) suppressed in last 7500 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 03:10:22.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7770 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [2 similar message(s) suppressed in last 15900 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 03:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 8 days 6:00 hours, with 10 circuits open. I’ve sent 110.60 MB and received 120.97 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 67 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 04 03:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 03:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2068172 (consensus network-status fetch); 61106 (authority cert fetch); 8053367 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 03:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 04 07:00:00.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 7906 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 13800 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 09:47:56.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8016 (a Hidden service: Establishing introduction point 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [4 similar message(s) suppressed in last 9960 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 8 days 12:00 hours, with 25 circuits open. I’ve sent 114.01 MB and received 124.18 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 71 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2133076 (consensus network-status fetch); 61106 (authority cert fetch); 8181420 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 09:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 04 11:47:55.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8100 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [3 similar message(s) suppressed in last 7200 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 12:54:55.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8179 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [20 similar message(s) suppressed in last 4020 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 15:24:14.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8346 (a Measuring circuit timeout 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5460 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor’s uptime is 8 days 18:00 hours, with 29 circuits open. I’ve sent 118.52 MB and received 127.18 MB. I’ve received 0 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I’ve made 74 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
tor_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] While bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 693964 (consensus network-status fetch); 14358 (authority cert fetch); 12103882 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] While not bootstrapping, fetched this many bytes: 2187349 (consensus network-status fetch); 61106 (authority cert fetch); 8247379 (microdescriptor fetch)
tor_1 | Nov 04 15:51:02.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Our onion service received 0 v3 INTRODUCE2 cells and attempted to launch 0 rendezvous circuits.
tor_1 | Nov 04 16:48:17.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8497 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [12 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5100 seconds]
tor_1 | Nov 04 17:55:59.000 [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 8530 (a Hidden service: Uploading HS descriptor 4-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out anyway. [3 similar message(s) suppressed in last 4080 seconds]
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T18:58:33.093Z WARN electrs::thread] p2p_loop thread failed: failed to parse ‘block([1, 0, 0, 0, 198, 127, 143, 196, 214, 24, 111, 7, 100, 168, 179, 112, 15, 89, 206, 92, 48, 201, 202, 142, 169, 17, 194, 251, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 206, 152, 49, 37, 146, 37, 133, 245, 154, 159, 136, 145, 9, 2, 153, 250, 16, , 240, 59, 2, 177, 140, 82, 58, 221, 204, 17, 255, 131, 13, 247, 187, 190, 224, 136, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0])’: unsupported segwit version: 0
electrs_1 | Error: electrs failed
electrs_1 |
electrs_1 | Caused by:
electrs_1 | 0: sync failed
electrs_1 | 1: failed to get block 0000000000000233a5d1b66b716e53e8b774bf689c9a8a59c174abb84f268b7b
electrs_1 | 2: receiving on an empty and disconnected channel
electrs_1 | Starting electrs 0.9.14 on aarch64 linux with Config { network: Bitcoin, db_path: “/data/db/bitcoin”, daemon_dir: “/data/.bitcoin”, daemon_auth: CookieFile(“/data/.bitcoin/.cookie”), daemon_rpc_addr:, daemon_p2p_addr:, electrum_rpc_addr:, monitoring_addr:, wait_duration: 10s, jsonrpc_timeout: 15s, index_batch_size: 10, index_lookup_limit: None, reindex_last_blocks: 0, auto_reindex: true, ignore_mempool: false, sync_once: false, skip_block_download_wait: false, disable_electrum_rpc: false, server_banner: “Umbrel Electrs (0.9.14)”, signet_magic: f9beb4d9, args: }
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:41.198Z INFO electrs::metrics::metrics_impl] serving Prometheus metrics on
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:41.198Z INFO electrs::server] serving Electrum RPC on
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:41.735Z INFO electrs::db] “/data/db/bitcoin”: 12189 SST files, 0.195444892 GB, 0.013350732 Grows
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:42.656Z INFO electrs::chain] loading 172280 headers, tip=0000000000000043fbc211a98ecac9305cce590f70b3a864076f18d6c48f7fc6
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:43.722Z INFO electrs::chain] chain updated: tip=0000000000000043fbc211a98ecac9305cce590f70b3a864076f18d6c48f7fc6, height=172280
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:43.820Z INFO electrs::index] indexing 2000 blocks: [172281…174280]
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:43.827Z INFO electrs::db] closing DB at /data/db/bitcoin
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:43.828Z WARN electrs::thread] p2p_recv thread failed: sending on a disconnected channel
electrs_1 | [2023-11-04T19:01:43.827Z WARN electrs::thread] p2p_loop thread failed: failed to parse ‘block([1, 0, 0, 0, 198, 127, 143, 196, 214, 24, 111, 7, 100, 168, 179, 112, 15, 89, 206, 92, 48, 201, 202, 142, 169, 17, 194, 251, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 206, 152, 49, 37, 146, 37, 133, 245, 154, 159, 136, 145, 172, 48, 246, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 118, 169, 20, 218, 203, 25, 240, 59, 2, 177, 140, 82, 58, 221, 204, 17, 255, 131, 13, 247, 187, 190, 224, 136, 172, 0, 0, 0, 0])’: unsupported segwit version: 0
electrs_1 | Error: electrs failed
electrs_1 |
electrs_1 | Caused by:
electrs_1 | 0: sync failed
electrs_1 | 1: failed to get block 0000000000000233a5d1b66b716e53e8b774bf689c9a8a59c174abb84f268b7b
electrs_1 | 2: receiving on an empty and disconnected channel
umbrel@umbrel:~ $