Core Lightning (CLN) won't send payments

I have the latest version of CLN (24.02.2) installed on an Umbrel Home device. I have a private channel opened with the LND node on that same device, and that node is balanced 50/50. I have two more channels opened on CLN, one to CoinGate, and another to These are two of the most well-connected nodes on the entire network. Max send is in the millions of sats.

But, for whatever reason, no matter how small the invoice request (I went down to 10 sats), my Core Lightning node just won’t send a payment. I thought it might have been because I turned on experimental offers and experimental onion messages in the configuration, but I just commented those lines (and there are no other lines in the config file) and restarted the device and it’s still the same thing, it won’t send. I tried sending to another node that I have running on a totally separate device, and that node has PLENTY of liquidity, and I also tried sending to my WoS account… Wallet of Satoshi is also one of the most well-connected nodes! Every time I get a time-out error or some message that says something like failed after xxx attempts or routes or something.

How can I troubleshoot this issue?

Edit: here is the error output when I use RTL–
500 - {“error”:{“type”:“lightning”,“name”:“lightningerror”,“message”:“ran Out Of Routes To Try After 11 Attempts: See paystatus”,“code”:210,“attempts”:[{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:0,“amount_msat”:100000},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:1,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:0},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:2,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:1},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:3,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:2},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:4,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:3},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:5,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:4},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:6,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:5},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:7,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:6},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:8,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:7},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:9,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:8},{“status”:“failed”,“failreason”:“failed: Wire_temporary_channel_failure (reply From Remote)”,“partid”:10,“amount_msat”:100000,“parent_partid”:9}],“fulltype”:“lightning”}}