Hi there. What do you do if you can´t connect to your node from Thunderhub or Ride the Ligthning or any other app.
I can acces umbrel but then any app can connect to the node. Error: “unable to connect to this node”. Why could this be happening?
Hi there. What do you do if you can´t connect to your node from Thunderhub or Ride the Ligthning or any other app.
I can acces umbrel but then any app can connect to the node. Error: “unable to connect to this node”. Why could this be happening?
Can I please have a bit more context- what do you mean by connect? It sounds like you’re trying to connect to Umbrel from a wallet?
Not really. I am trying to acces my umbrel node information. My lightning node. All my channels, coins, etc. I used to check all that through Thunderhub. Now, when I use Thunferhub or any other app and I try to access them, there’s an error message. Unable to connect to this node.
Eventhough I can access my umbrel. but I can´t see the channels or information. Not even when I use Lightning Node. It doesn´t connect.