Connect ssd to mac?

I need to reformat my ssd and trying to figure out the best way. I seems I have to connect the ssd to my mac but I dont know what is the best option.

  1. Why would you reformat the SSD? That is the last resort.
  2. If you just want to start from zero, clean, just go to disk manager nad wipe the partition. No need to “format”. Is also NOT indicated to format in other type than ext4 (linux). So by deleting the partition is enough. The process of reinstalling Umbrel it will format it in ext4.

I have 2 ssd with umbrel on it, the 2nd drive is not working so I want to install 2nd drive umbrel back on the first. So yes I would just want to clean the ssd drive, but how would I do that? Is there a command that I can do that from terminal on my mac?