Can't rescan wallet UTXOs

Hi, I have the following problem, a few days ago I reinstalled my umbrel node, the bitcoin chain is already synchronized but I do not see a balance in the bitcoin wallet.

So I read the instruction guide and tried this command:

sed -i “s/[Application Options]/[Application Options]\nreset-wallet-transactions=true/g;” ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/lnd.conf

but it answers me with this error:

can’t read /home/rifesama/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/lnd.conf: No such file or directory

I have the umbrel installed on Linux
I have the latest version of umbrel installed
I have the latest version of lightning node installed

Hey after you reinstalled your node did you also perform an automated recovery and clicked “yes” to you have open channels?

Can you use the pending channels command to see if it can see your channels

You can use this command to see status of channels:
~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli pendingchannels

and we can move on from there to see if they’re stuck in Waiting Close