Hi guys,
Does anyone have suggestions for these issues please:
My Bitcoin node is stuck on ‘starting’ after recently updating to the latest Umbrel version. I am not tech-savvy and have SSH’d into my Mac and deleted the peers.dat files but no luck.
After SSH’ing, I try to ‘stop bitcoin’ in order to delete the peers.dat files. I keep getting a ‘This script requires “docker-compose” to be installed’, which means zero to me. I looked at other threads but couldn’t work out what to do. I manually stopped the Bitcoin Node app (by right clicking on the icon), and deleted the peers. dat file and then manually restarted the app.
Any ideas of how to fix these issues please? My IT knowledge is limited: SSH’ing into my laptop and copying & pasting tried and tested commands from other threads is as good as it gets for me.
I’m running a Raspberry Pi4. Memory = 200 GB remaining, storage = 1.60 GB remaining and temperature (54 c) are all fine.
Any suggestions appreciated!