I am looking to access my BTC PayServer via my DNS forwarding via cloudflare. Is there a way to do this? I could also use their tunnel service if needed. Please let me know.
Figured it out.
If you have solved it, tell us how you did it or give us some clues.
Maybe your solution can help another user.
I intend on writing a whole how to. I’m putting it together in the next few days and will post it as a reply to my thread.
Please, everyone, use anything but Crimeflare.
It is the biggest MITM (Man-in-the-Middle) attack ever made on the internet.
Browse the book “The Great Cloudwall” if you want more reasons why nobody should ever use it: https://archive.org/details/the_great_cloudwall_v1/page/n1/mode/2up
What services specifically are a problem? I can see their tunneling and proxy services are a huge vulnerability, but I don’t see how standard DNS records would be an issue. Let me know. Thanks!
Never mind. Still not working. I can access the server but when I try to create an invoice it doesn’t work. The console throws the following error, “could not connect to backend.” “Websock connection failed to XXXXXXXX”. Any ideas?