BTC core DLing to sd rather than ssd + pi5

First post here! So I’ll start with an apology for the noob question:

I received my pi5 yesterday and got it set up with umbrel. Everything working great (except ssh not working for me) headless.

I’ve got a brand new 2TB ssd that I’ve done no formatting of (aside from deleting the wiindows and IOS folders). It’s connected to one of the USB3 ports.

The blockchain sync was going great until I looked this morning, and it appears that it stalled out at ~16%, as it filled my sd card.

It’s obvious to me that I need to specify for it to sync to my ssd, but I can’t seem to find an option that allows me to do this.

I’m going to abort and reinstall pi and umbrel now.

Thanks, in advance, for any guidance you can give!

Hi @wilder, thanks for using Umbrel!

Interesting to hear that the installation did not automatically detect your SSD. May I ask how you set-up Umbrel on the Pi 5, and also what type of SSD you’re using?
Also, can you please navigate to the settings dashboard on umbrel.local, select START under troubleshooting and share the resultant logs here

Hi smolgrrr, thanks for the response!

I installed the pi OS from the raspberrypi imager.
I then updated the pi OS.
I then installed Umbrel via Terminal (it’s actually in the process of doing it again (4th time fresh install, same way), but it actually seems to have hung up, as nothing has happened for a while (~10 minutes) and mouse/keyboard have gone unresponsive. I don’t remember the command exactly :confused: - but I had found it in a few places. I’m a bit of a confused mess ATM lol, and can’t bring myself to go through my tabs to find one!
Then I updated Umbrel in Terminal ( sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade)

It seems that my installs are progressively deteriorating. I know this is unlikely, but it feels that way. Especially with this most recent attempt kacking out on me here.

So I’m unable to get the logs to share, as it’s not currently installed.

The SSD is a ScanDisk extreme 2TB, which I’ve formatted EXT4

I’m going to reinstall everything, and i think I’ll try balena etcher this time.

I’ll report back when I can get those logs.

I see that I was confused in using ‘headless’ to describe what I’ve got set up, as I’m using a mouse/keyboard/projector…

I’d like to reframe my question:

Umbrel is reinstalled.
Before I install the bitcoin app and start downloading, I want to ensure that it goes to my ssd.
I’ve read that it’s important to format the ssd to Ext4, which I did.

I think I’ve solved the problem by copying the piOS imager to the ssd, and then running everything from there. I’m now able to access umbrel from my other devices, and my btc node is now almost 60% syncronized! Woohoo!

Thanks for listening to my confusion! Here’s to smooth sailing…
