I have been following these instructions, over the last few months, but to no avail. My node will not sync past block 839,559 - 839,570, and keeps redoing blocks.
Wondering if I’m missing something. I have 211 GB remaining on the disc drive. The Rasperry Pi is running hot during the attempted syc as well.
So far I have:
- Updated bitcoin core (Umbrel has an available update. Could this be the issue?)
- Increased Cache Size to 3000MB on Bitcoin Core
- Set up a DHCP Server for the dedicated Node (Umbrel), and port forwarding for port 8333 with the IP address of the reserved device.
- When I test that same IP address at this link it says “Enter a valid IP Address”
Any help would be greatly appreciated. The node was synced for a while, but has not been able to sync for the last 3-4 months.