Automatic Encrypted Backup

There’s a simple way to reset user data, but not that is the problem in your case. I think you broke something in the whole node data so a user data reset will not do too much.
Better just start a total fresh one and don’t fuck it up again.
But remember, start formatting and installing only after you wait to recover the funds from channels into onchain.
To erase the SSD just connect it to another PC and simply delete the partition. Umbrel installation will format it later.

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It’s not. I haven’t tried importing my backup channels though.

Can you go to dashboard - lightning and click on those 3 dots and select save backup channels?

I can, but there are no channels listed. The only thing I can see from my Umbrel Dashboard is two on-chain transactions, and nothing in LND. No channels or transactions.

If you do not have any other backup of those channels, you better contact @mayank or @lukechilds in PM and they can provide you the automated backup and instruct you how to use it.

I hope you learned a lesson now and you will make backups of those LN channels every time you open or close a LN channel. This is very important.


I have learned a huge lesson. Thank you!

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