Recover Automatic Encrypted Backups

I’ve been searching the forums and I cannot figure out how to obtain the automatic backup for my lightning channel/wallet. Any help will be appreciated. I found out about it here

The backstory is a few months ago I’d setup my Umbrel on a Pi, synced the blockchain, and added some sats which automatically moved to my lightning wallet. I opened a lightning channel but never made any transactions. A couple weeks ago, a worker at my house got a wild hair and unplugged my Pi (unfortunately not the worst thing that guy did here) and it would never boot up to the login screen after, only an Umbrel error page. After trying a bunch of things I narrowed it down to the SSD and had no luck until I reformatted the whole drive, after which I was able to boot and log into Umbrel again.

I restored using from my mnemonic phrase, waited almost 2 weeks for it to sync again… the whole time wondering why the lightning wallet didn’t show my sats yet. I since learned (if I understand it correctly) that I was supposed to download the channel backup too. Ugh, I’m a dummy. Any help will be appreciated.

Contact @mayank or @lukechilds and they will help you with that.

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Thank you but when I attempt to send a person message to either @mayank or @lukechilds I receive an error “Sorry, you cannot send a personal message to that user”. Is that because I’m new?

I sent a message to the mods a couple days ago but haven’t received any response.

Hey @lstldr! Sorry for the delay. Feel free to DM @louneskmt on Telegram (lounes_kmt) with your backup ID and the last date you think your previous Umbrel installation was working. He can help you get your channel backup copy + recovery instructions.

You can get your backup ID by running this in a terminal:

ssh umbrel@umbrel.local "cat umbrel/logs/karen.log | grep 'backup ID' | tail -n 1"

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Thank you, I’ve obtained my backup ID and messaged it to him.

I have a similar issue. My roomate unplugged my raspberry :frowning:
Fortunately, i managed to get everything back except my old lightning channels (& old balances). I have the channel backup file but can’t find a way to copy this file into my rasberry.
Can someone help me get my old channels back? Any help is very appreciated!!