Apps + App Store not working after update from 0.5 to 1.1 (and 1.2)

For context, I use a HP G3 Mini (8gb + 2tb ssd). All working fine on 0.5 previously with Ubuntu.

I followed all the steps to migrate to 1.1 (had to delete most apps as I had to delete Bitcoin node as I can’t backup everything with the full blockchain), and everything worked fine. Umbrel detected the migration USB and reinstalled my apps to 1.1

The problem is that after I started for the first time, nothing is working. All apps say “Not running” below, and I can’t click them or manage them in anyway. Also, when entering the App Store, it says “something went wrong” and nothing works either. I just updated to 1.2.2 as I read that it fixed some of these issues but same behaviour again. Pictures below.

I also tried a completely clean install without migrating my data in case the problem could be that the migration data is corrupting the install, but I get the same issue, but with no apps installed.