All apps "not running" - please help


I am running a Raspberry Pi 4 and a 2T SSD. All worked fine until one day all my apps are “not running”? I’m running umbrelOS 1.4

I see many previous topics on the forum but they never seem to outline the issue/solution. Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you

I have the same problem

Please attach the Umbrel logs, as well as any information detailing your context.

Hi @jofraprez I’m happy to attach the logs but unfortunately, due to my personal situation I have now moved to a place where I do not have access to internet yet. Only 5G. I’d love to get to the bottom of this issue but I won’t be able to troubleshoot at this moment. I will re-visit when I have access to proper internet again.

Sounds stupid but I can’t even seem to work out how to attach the logs :frowning:

Thank you.