Long time to reconnect after upgrade to 0.4.14

Yes, I notice also that is taking a bit longer to catch up.
And this could be due to some factors that I notice:

  • bitcoin sync over Tor takes a while until start finding good peers. A solution could be to follow this guide and activate node sync in hybrid mode (clearnet and Tor). The bitcoin sync part is taking longer than few months ago and that’s why LND is not starting. Is a normal behavior.
  • after bitcoin is synced and indexes catch up, also LND will take a while to start. That’s due to the graph and channels.db file size. So you can start looking to compact that file. If is huge like more than 2GB then could be a problem. If is less than 1GB is not such a big deal.
    Here I found 2 guides about compacting the db. guide 1 and guide 2
  • also you could try adding into your lnd.conf these parameters that can speed up the start.
[Application Options]
# Mark unpayable, unpaid invoices as deleted
# Avoid historical graph data sync
# Avoid slow startup time
# Avoid high startup overhead
# Avoid auto force close channels
  • Also, if you are still using RaspPi machine, but you want a faster node, for business use, then is time for you migrate to a strong machine, more powerful, more reliable.
  • Or just ignore all that stuff and just have some more patience. Patience is the key for a node operator.

I hope this will help you.