Error: System service failed - no restart

If you check your debug logs you have the following error:
“Error: Failed loading settings file:
bitcoind_1 | - Unable to parse settings file /data/.bitcoin/settings.json”

To resolve, first connect to your Umbrel device by following the instructions in How to SSH into Umbrel on a Raspberry Pi or by accessing a terminal on your Linux machine

This command is the quickest way to resolve the error, by deleting the file first:

rm ~umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/data/bitcoin/settings.json

Then you should restart Bitcoin:
~/umbrel/scripts/app restart bitcoin

If for any reason when attempting to delete the file you face a permission or other errors that prevent you from doing so, we can also edit the file with this command:

sudo nano umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/data/bitcoin/settings.json

Then it will take you to a blank file and just type and add two lines like this, with the two curly braces


then hit CTRL+X to exit, Y to save, and enter to continue.

After completing the edit don’t forget the last step of restarting Bitcoin (you can also do this from the UI by going to Advanced Settings, scrolling down and clicking "Save and Restart Node):
~/umbrel/scripts/app restart bitcoin

Upon restarting wait ~5 minutes and this will resolve the error with the settings.json file.