To keep my lightning activity more private, I want to use coinjoined sats only. But I have already funded my lightning node with KYC, non-coinjoined sats in the past, so this LN node is already linked to my identity.
Is there a way to start over with a clean slate with my lightning node? Right now I have only an on-chain balance.
What is your preferred coinjoin method here? I am trying to work out how to do this easily. I wish i could use Whirlpool, but I don’t have an android device on hand.
I intend to use Whirlpool as well. I have been listening a lot to Citadel Dispatch in the recent weeks, and that seemed to be the best choice for me currently. I guess other options are JoinMarket (which is imo a bit too technical to start with for a noob like me) or Wasabi.
Cant get it working…the command triggers this error all the time -
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local “sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/lnd/!(lnd.conf) && sudo rm ~/umbrel/db/user.json && sudo rm ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup”
-bash: !: event not found
I can’t figure out what is wrong with my system…drives me crazy. wrote to Umbrel guys and several users. It can’t be that hard…
Well that’s pretty confusing. I got an error with these commands once, but it was because I was missing one of the files being removed. All I had to do was remove that part of the command and proceed.
It sounds like you’re getting stopped at “sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup“
If you ash into umbrel and run these commands one at a time, is it the first one that is kicking up the error?
I think I see the issue. You need to finish establishing the connection to your umbrel before you run the other commands. If you do ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
Enter your password (this is the password you use to enter the umbrel web GUI), the terminal should return with an indication you’re now connected to the umbrel via SSH, something like “umbrel@umbrel.local:”
logged in as you see…but it didn’t work…this time no error…could be my vpn from machine I’m executing from ? Of course I logged in using old password and Node is still running fine
Got it…I removed the quotes…and now I’m at starting page will set up new user account…what is funny the node is still running as I look at it. will let you know…do You think I should use a different user name and a different password? anyway…I fought a few days with this. Thank you!! I knew it was a simple thing…and Thank you!!! @fireworksurprise