Why always 1 clearnet peer with "outgoing to clearnet peers" off?

Since first setting up a Bitcoin node a year ago I’ve always had 1 clearnet peer showing in the bitcoin app interface. Even though I have “Outgoing Connections to Clearnet Peers” off, and “Connections to Tor Peers” on. I also have “Make all outgoing connections to clearnet peers over tor” off, “outgoing to i2p” off and “incoming connections” off.

Why would I still be connecting to 1 clearnet peer at all times?? Is that normal behavior? Concern is that there’s a clearnet peer preventing full Tor anonymity somehow or something.

Just turn on “Make all outgoing connections to clearnet peers over tor” and it should be ok

That’s what I figured but hesitant to turn it on because of the “preserve your anonymity at the cost of slightly less security” line. What are the security tradeoffs to this setting? I’ve searched and haven’t found anything that goes into detail about what’s happening under the hood. Assuming it’s some kind of Tor exit node risk where certain data could be discovered but would like to know more

If you have Electrs running it will create 1 clearnet channel.