Update NextCloud And Antoher Apps

Hi, I know that a new version of NEXTCLOUD has been released
30.0.4 and I don’t understand how I update the software?
How do you update anything in UMBRELOS?

Umbrelos has an appstore. When there is a new version of an app that you have installed, a notice will alert you so that you can update.
On the other hand, and taking your case as an example, it is possible that there is a new version of Nextcloud but the person in charge of said app has not yet made it available for Umbrelos. You just have to wait and, surely, it will not take long for the notice of the new Nextcloud update to appear.

Work in progress: The update is delayed a little because additional dependencies still need to be updated. See here: Update nextcloud to version v30.0.1 by nmfretz · Pull Request #1682 · getumbrel/umbrel-apps · GitHub