Understanding nginx, umbrel apps, and bitcoind

I see a lot of apps utilize an nginx proxy service for their app’s functionality. One being public pool. I have a custom app I am similarly working on and it requires a need for a proxy to forward a request to the bitcoin node.

I have written my docker-compose.yml to provision this nginx service and it spins up on port 80 and shows "80/tcp " under ports, but it seems like all of my requests are still actually hitting the nginx:1.17.8 running on ports “>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp”

So my next question would be, can I just use that nginx (I know its integral for the umbrel’s functionality) but I just can’t seem to get the requests to hit my custom nginx service.

Would love any suggestions as I am very new to nginx and its been fun learning. I also am open to hearing of another way to proxy a request to the bitcoind node.
Note, the app I am setting up is designed to send a request to a bitcoind RPC port.