Umbrel.local takes me to BTCPayServer

Hello - I am using umbrel on a rasberry pi 4 ethernet conneciton. I have always been able to access my umbrel either by typing in umbrel.local or using the IP address with no issues.

However, now I type in umbrel.local or the umbrel’s IP address I get redirected to the BTCPay Server create account page (see screenshot for reference).

Please help! I have keys on my umbrel userface.

Thanks, Michael.

Can you delete the /register aspect in the address?

thank you for responding, unfortunately i tried that and it redirects me to the same page.

^^^ to the top

I’d try it on a private web page, or different computer / device perhaps?

still doesn’t work :sob:

Can you SSH into the device?
Do you use BTC Pay?

If you can SSH in, and don’t use it, perhaps delete the app via SSH?