Umbrel in linux container, using NFS

Hello friends. I’ve been running Umbrel in various configs for a couple years now… started out on a raspberry pi. I’ve had success running umbrel 1.3 in a linux VM, but I have a 1TB SSD for data, and the blockchain aint getting any smaller, so it is time to migrate to something which will be more manageable for disk, backups, and resilience.

So, I am currently trying to fire up a new UmbrelOS 1.3 instance in a VM running on a proxmox 3-node cluster, but I got lazy and simply made a container disk file of 2.5TB, hosted on a Synology NAS, and served up via NFS on a 10G network.

I’ve been trying to follow this post: Migrating Umbrel Home to Proxmox VM - #3 by Django

I am on steps 6 and 7. Tried to rsync existing blockchain data to the new VM, but restarting, umbrel wouldnt sync, so I ended up doing a reindex, which kicked off 4 days of redownloading the blockchain. it is at about 89% synced, but really going slow now. I wonder if a 2.5TB NFS mount as the container disk might be what is slowing down, but hard to say. Once I am done syncing, I will install lightning, then try to rsync my lightning data across and see if umbrel will recover my lightning node, otherwise I will have to use a lightning recover procedure to get back my wallet, which has active channels of course.

Will post here as progress occurs. I am hoping once I have everything running properly, my umbrel node will be much harder to break.

After 6 or 7 days of bitcoin blockchain downloading, the node finally synced up. I installed tailscale and mempool.

Following the above link instructions carefully, I then installed lightning node app, shutdown the old lightning, rsync’ed the lnd data to the new system, checked checksums, started lightning, and in 5 minutes everything was synced up and I have my channels and sats intact. AWESOME!

Was able to install thunderhub and everything looks normal. Uninstalled lightning and related apps on the old vm, and shut it down, hopefully wont have to fire it up again.

So now I have a bitcoin/lightning node running in a 4-cpu, 12gig VM on a proxmox cluster, which has its 2.5T container file on a NAS NFS share. This setup should be more resilient. It took almost a week to download the blockchain, so there may be some ways to optimize it…