Hello friends. I’ve been running Umbrel in various configs for a couple years now… started out on a raspberry pi. I’ve had success running umbrel 1.3 in a linux VM, but I have a 1TB SSD for data, and the blockchain aint getting any smaller, so it is time to migrate to something which will be more manageable for disk, backups, and resilience.
So, I am currently trying to fire up a new UmbrelOS 1.3 instance in a VM running on a proxmox 3-node cluster, but I got lazy and simply made a container disk file of 2.5TB, hosted on a Synology NAS, and served up via NFS on a 10G network.
I’ve been trying to follow this post: Migrating Umbrel Home to Proxmox VM - #3 by Django
I am on steps 6 and 7. Tried to rsync existing blockchain data to the new VM, but restarting, umbrel wouldnt sync, so I ended up doing a reindex, which kicked off 4 days of redownloading the blockchain. it is at about 89% synced, but really going slow now. I wonder if a 2.5TB NFS mount as the container disk might be what is slowing down, but hard to say. Once I am done syncing, I will install lightning, then try to rsync my lightning data across and see if umbrel will recover my lightning node, otherwise I will have to use a lightning recover procedure to get back my wallet, which has active channels of course.
Will post here as progress occurs. I am hoping once I have everything running properly, my umbrel node will be much harder to break.