Trying to rsync into Umbrel

Hello all.
I’m in my local network. From my OpenMediaVault server, I can ssh my Umbrel Server. If I try username@umbrel.local it doesn’t accept my password, but at umbrel@umbrel.local it does. Fine.

From there I can get to a folder called sync at

umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync. I can see this folder in File Browser and populate it.

But when I try to rsync a file from my OMV server to this Umbrel folder, I can’t…

I tried all of the following commands…

rsync doc.pdf

rsync doc.pdf

rsync doc.pdf umbrel.local:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync$

rsync doc.pdf Andre.local:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync$

rsync /OMVSistema/doc.pdf Andre.local:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync$

The one that seemed to work was

rsync doc.pdf umbrel.local:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync$

But it then ask me for my password at username@umbrel.local, instead of umbrel@umbrel.local and then of course it’s not accepted…

This is the screen:

$ cd OMVSistema
$ dir
$ rsync -a doc.pdf umbrel.local:~/umbrel/data/storage/sync
The authenticity of host ‘umbrel.local (’ can’t be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:/nQHDHNgF2HAjY0ttty6pNgawmHreFO/O+zC8CCueaw.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Could not create directory ‘/home/Andre/.ssh’ (No such file or directory).
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/Andre/.ssh/known_hosts).
Andre@umbrel.local’s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
Andre@umbrel.local’s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
Andre@umbrel.local’s password:
Andre@umbrel.local: Permission denied (publickey,password).
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(231) [sender=3.2.7]

Any ideas?

Final goal here is to sync a folder from the OMV to Umbrel server, I tried synching without much luck…

The new umbrel home server is configured with mender and 4 partitions. 2 partitions used by mender contain the original OS and they are made to reset to the default OS in case the active one gets corrupted.
This creates a few difficulties:
a) if you change anything in the OS, for instance in order to connect via ssh with private key (no terminal password prompt) and then you upgrade the OS, you loose your changes.
b) you cannot login as root, but you must instead log in as a user and then sudo.

My idea, like yours, was to rung a rsync script from the backup server and copy umbrel. I failed, so I changed backup strategy with rsync as follows:

a) I mounted permanently a 2TB SSD under the default /home/umbrel as /home/umbrel/BkupSSD
b) I created a script in the home directory to rsync from / to /home/umbrel/BkupSSD
c) to be able to run rsync as sudo (root) I followed these instructions:

Now I have a 7 day rotational backup that works similarly to the appletime machine.

If you like to have my script, contact me.