Tailscale Key expired - can’t reauthenticate

I reinstalled Tailscale on Umbrel after OS 1.0 was launched, but I have no access. It tells me that I need to reauthenticate my key, but the “reauthenticate” button doesn’t do anything.

Has anyone had this issue? Deleting and reinstalling Tailscale doesn’t do anything so right now I can’t get started…

Odds are your browser is blocking popups… but you can do this from the command line real easy.

if you have upgraded to Umbrel 1.1 you can use the Terminal interface under Advanced Settings on the Settings menu… Just select Terminal and Choose Tailscale under the App pulldown.

If you have 1.0 still you will need to ssh into your Umbrel and run these commands with

sudo docker exec -it tailscale_web_1 

Once you have the Terminal up, just enter the following command:

tailscale up

it will provide you with a URL you can copy and paste into your browser and then authenticate with your Tailscale account.
If you get a message saying Tailscale is already running then use this command instead:

tailscale login

if you are using SSH you’ll wanna send

sudo docker exec -it tailscale_web_1 tailscale up

Worked great, now up and running - thank you!

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