Last night I migrated from Raspberry Pi 4 Umbrel to Umbrel Home.
I followed this guide:
It looks like the data migration was successful.
However, when logging into the Umbrel Home with my password from the old setup, I see no apps installed.
Should I install the apps I wish to use on the Umbrel Home first before migrating?
Or is it normal that after migration the apps need to be manually installed again?
I want to avoid reinstalling the Bitcoin ledger completely over the network and want to use the migrated blockchain.
Are your LND and BTC Nodes running? My understanding is that if you image AMD64 computer with Umbrel Home all you do is attach your external HD and it should start as expected. Is your Raspberry Pi turned off?
I have now turned off the Umbrel Home for now and started the Raspberry back up. Everything is running perfectly on the old setup.
There was nothing from applications installed on the Home after migration.
I suspect I know what I did wrong. At initial startup (before migration) I used the same password as my current setup. So I guess if I log in with that same login on the Home after migration so to speak I will not log in on the migrated setup.
Could that be the problem?
So I would reset the Home to factory settings and do everything again.
I returned the Umbrel Home to factory settings.
Then logged in for the first time with new login credentials.
After migration I was able to log in correctly with old login data and everything works fine now.