"sed: can't read ./templates/nginx.conf" during install

Run the script to install Umbrel, and get to this part where it says:


============ CONFIGURING =============

=============== UMBREL ===============


Generating auth credentials

Generating Tor password

Unable to find image ‘getumbrel/tor:’ locally

docker.io/getumbrel/tor@sha256:2ace83f22501f58857fa9b403009f595137fa2e7986c4fda79d82a8119072b6a: Pulling from getumbrel/tor

461246efe0a7: Pull complete

c8bc27c5e55c: Pull complete

472ce9feeded: Pull complete

Digest: sha256:2ace83f22501f58857fa9b403009f595137fa2e7986c4fda79d82a8119072b6a

Status: Image is up to date for getumbrel/tor@sha256:2ace83f22501f58857fa9b403009f595137fa2e7986c4fda79d82a8119072b6a

sed: can’t read ./templates/nginx.conf: No such file or directory

and then quits. I search and find this file “/umbrel/templates/nginx-sample.conf” but not a nginx.conf.

This should be pretty easy :slight_smile: