Permissions screwed...lost my su

Hi…I was setting permissions for some folders while trying to make my Jellyfin work…don´t even remember which folders I used chmod on, but I guess it was data…anyways, didn´t work, I deleted Jelyfinn, and now my Umbrel starts ok, but I cannot access any app anymore… went to the terminal to try to set permissions all back to 777 (it´s my home network, I’m the only user) but I get this…
umbrel@umbrel:~$ sudo su
sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set

All other chmods I try I get an “operation not permitted” error…

How can I solve this? This is a bare metal install…Umbrel 1.2.1


:wave: What device are you using? I’ll do some homework on this, but I don’t think there will be a safe way to recover if you don’t know what directories you may have changes permissions on or not… Evidently your /usr/bin directory was modified if I’m reading that correctly? So unfortunately that’s not a great start.

Could you share the output of ls -lah /usr/bin? I just want to get an idea of a directory you may know has been modified. Otherwise share a high-level directory like the umbrel/app-data/ directory.

Absolute worst-case we can talk about migrating or backing up your apps and data safely if it comes down to it.