Oh hey - here's an issue - Can't communicate

  1. Umbrel 0.4.4 fails and several people on TG and here are trying to fix.
  2. Pastebin can’t be used in Community
  3. Don’t want to cause fear? Simple! Just mark as SPAM and the issue goes away!

Wow. great way to lose support from the community for what COULD be great software. Just KICK PEOPLE OUT when you don’t like what they’re saying.

Oh and there’s no way to communicate with moderators

Telegram is all but ignored.

Can’t communicate with developers via Keybase

Github PR and comments are ignored.


@JeffersonNunn We’re not trying to ignore you, and we’re only volunteers in the community trying to help each other. And for the moderators, I can’t speak for them, but please try to be patient, and they will help you when they can. They have other obligations in real life and can’t devote 100% of their time to Umbrel.

I didn’t realize that Pastebin isn’t allowed in the community (I guess it was abused in other communities powered by Discourse?), so I’m glad that you were able to use a different platform to share the logs.

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