Need Help Upgrade Node.js for my Umbrel Home

Hi everyone,

I just purchased an Umbrel Home. Trying to update Homebridge installed on the server.

The message shows when I try to update:
Homebridge v1.7.0 requires Node.js v18.15.0 or later. You are currently running Node.js v18.13.0.
Please upgrade Node.js before updating Homebridge. (Attached screenshot)

How do I do it? I’m an absolute beginner just purchased this Umbrel Home for my smart home setup.
A step-by-step guide will be appreciated!


How are you trying to do this update?

As this is running in a docker container, when you update Homebridge the container should use the relevant NodeJS version.
Anyway, thanks for flagging this, I will forward this to the team to ensure Homebridge gets updated for you ASAP. Will get back to you shortly.

It appears homebridge’s docker image hasn’t been updated yet, ill keep a watch on this for you.

Thank you @smolgrrr
I also have trouble updating NextCloud from the app, which I assume it’s the same issue. The App store did not show any updates available for both Homebridge and NextCloud.

Also, do you guys have any plan to add Scrypted to the App store?

Great rec! I can see it’s been looked at before, but this would actually be a great fit now that the Umbrel Home is out. I will take a deeper look at this now. Thanks

Hopefully the Nextcloud update will be out soon. I will keep you updated on that too.

Having Scrypted on the App Store would be awesome!

Until Scrypted is officially available on Umbrel, you can install the app from my Community AppStore: