Lightning Node Advancved Settings need update

Hello Umbrel Support,
after updating to Lightning Node 0.17.4 I realized the some lnd.conf settings have changed.
Most of the [routerrpc] settings have been update but in Lightning Node Advancved Settings
there is still routerrpc.penaltyhalflife but it has now changed to routerrpc.apriori.penaltyhalflife
Other parameters that have been changed are:
routerrpc.hopprob > routerrpc.apriori.hopprob
routerrpc.weight > routerrpc.apriori.weight
Please check and update Advanced Settings accordingly.
Also in case I want to run in mode routerrpc.estimator=bimodal how would this be reflected in Advanced settings?
Thanks a lot.

You should still be able to make these changes under lnd.conf, but Iā€™ll share this feedback with the team.

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Thank you for your answer and for sharing it with the team.
I know that I can still update the original lnd.conf with configuration options that are not present in ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€ of the LKightning Node App.
My concern is more about configuration options that are no longer available in lnd 0.17.4 like
routerrpc.penaltyhalflife and what effect this might have?