Looks like there is a bug affecting LND…is umbrel going to provide an upgrade with the fix?
Please update us on how to get this resolved. Thx.
Looks like there is a bug affecting LND…is umbrel going to provide an upgrade with the fix?
Please update us on how to get this resolved. Thx.
Hey @ClarionChain! Lightning Node 0.15.2 update is now live in the app store. Just update the app from app store > updates, and it should fix the issue.
Nevermind, restarting my Umbrel sems to have pulled the lastest updates and the update is visible now.
Also for custom servers installations…
if you don’t see the app update then just execute the repo update
$ ./umbrel/scripts/repo update
Updating repo: https---github-com-getumbrel-umbrel-apps-git (master)
remote: Enumerating objects: 316, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (316/316), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (227/227), done.
remote: Total 241 (delta 125), reused 78 (delta 14), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (241/241), 78.78 KiB | 620.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (125/125), completed with 71 local objects.
From https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps
610602f..3001569 master -> origin/master
Updating 610602f..3001569
agora/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
bitcoin/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
bitfeed/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
bleskomat-server/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
bluewallet/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
btc-rpc-explorer/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
btcpay-server/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
calibre-web/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
code-server/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
core-lightning-rtl/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
core-lightning-rtl/umbrel-app.yml | 14 ++++++++++++--
core-lightning/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
core-lightning/umbrel-app.yml | 6 +++++-
electrs/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
element/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
elements/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
esphome/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
file-browser/data/filebrowser.db | 0
file-browser/docker-compose.yml | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
file-browser/exports.sh | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
file-browser/umbrel-app.yml | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
gitea/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
helipad/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
home-assistant/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
home-assistant/umbrel-app.yml | 8 ++++++--
invidious/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
ipfs-podcasting/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
itchysats/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
itchysats/umbrel-app.yml | 25 +++++++++++++------------
jam/docker-compose.yml | 4 +---
jam/umbrel-app.yml | 20 +++++++++-----------
jellyfin/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
kollider/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
krystal-bull/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
krystal-bull/umbrel-app.yml | 9 ++++++---
libreddit/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
lidarr/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
lightning-shell/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
lightning-terminal/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
lightning/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
lightning/umbrel-app.yml | 21 ++++++---------------
ln-visualizer/docker-compose.yml | 7 ++++---
ln-visualizer/umbrel-app.yml | 13 +++++--------
lnbits/docker-compose.yml | 3 +--
lnbits/umbrel-app.yml | 14 ++++++++++++--
lndboss/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
lndg/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
lnmarkets/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
mempool/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
nextcloud/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
nitter/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
node-red-standalone/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
node-red/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
oak-node/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
photoprism/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
pi-hole/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
pi-hole/umbrel-app.yml | 6 +++++-
plex/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
prowlarr/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
radarr/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
ride-the-lightning/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
ride-the-lightning/umbrel-app.yml | 16 +++++++++++++---
robosats/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
robosats/umbrel-app.yml | 8 ++++----
samourai-server/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
satsale/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
simple-torrent/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
snowflake/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
sonarr/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
sparkkiosk/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
specter-desktop/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
specter-desktop/umbrel-app.yml | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
sphinx-relay/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
squeaknode/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
squeakroad/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
suredbits-wallet/docker-compose.yml | 4 ++--
suredbits-wallet/umbrel-app.yml | 10 ++++------
synapse/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
syncthing/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
tailscale/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
tallycoin-connect/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
thunderhub/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
thunderhub/umbrel-app.yml | 10 ++++++++--
transmission/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
uptime-kuma/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
urbit-bitcoin-connector/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
urbit/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
usocial/umbrel-app.yml | 4 +++-
vaultwarden/umbrel-app.yml | 2 ++
whoogle-search/umbrel-app.yml | 3 ++-
woofbot/docker-compose.yml | 2 +-
woofbot/umbrel-app.yml | 10 +++++-----
92 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file-browser/data/filebrowser.db
create mode 100644 file-browser/docker-compose.yml
create mode 100644 file-browser/exports.sh
create mode 100644 file-browser/umbrel-app.yml
You should be able to see the update button in the GUI now:
Happy day!