Is there a need for a VPN with Umbrel

Hi guys.
I recently acquired an Umbrel home and I am currently testing it.
Background: I am a Mechanical engineer and techie but not huge experience in servers.
So far so good but there were some points I was hoping to get answered.

  1. I had in mind to get Docker and install the apps into containers, but from what i have been reading, they are already in dockers so no need for that correct? For context i want to use the umbrel for a media server and also as my bitcoin node.
  2. I want to get a VPN and mask my IP but from what i read the apps are using Tor, so is VPN still needed? and/or possible?
  3. Wanted to connect my external SSD for jellyfin on Umbrel home. This is not easily done currently, correct? Is it expected to change in the future or not?

Would be happy if somebody can give me some pointers :slight_smile: